About Me

My name is Vincent Ingram, and I am thrilled to share my journey and research project with you. Currently, I am enrolled at Morgan State University, pursuing a Computer Science degree. I am expected to graduate in 2024. Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a strong interest in Virtual Reality and Mobile App Development. I am dedicated to exploring innovative solutions and contributing to knowledge advancement in different fields.

If you have questions or would like to contact me, please feel free to reach out via email at vinceingram7@gmail.com.

About My Mentor

I am fortunate to have Chris Crawford’s guidance and mentorship. He is an accomplished Computer Science researcher affiliated with The University of Alabama. Dr. Crawford brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our collaboration, and their guidance has been invaluable in shaping my research project.

Mentors Website

About My Project

My Final Report

My Blog

My Blog