Week 5 - Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Triumphs
In the fifth week of our DREU adventure, the journey of challenges and triumphs continued with new insights and breakthroughs. Our collaboration with our mentor led us to a path of discovery, where perseverance and the right resources unlocked doors we initially thought were closed.
Guided by Mentorship
Week 5 began with a renewed determination to conquer the intricacies of open-source programming for the mBot Neo. Armed with the guidance of our mentor, we embarked on a quest for proper documentation. A journey that initially seemed uncertain was transformed into a fruitful exploration as our mentor directed us toward valuable resources.
Cracking the Code
As we dove into the documentation we discovered, we initially approached it with a grain of skepticism. However, persistence paid off. A piece of documentation that seemed misleading at first turned out to be the key we had been searching for. By following the provided instructions, we ran code that scanned the port on our computer for the mBot. As if by magic, the connection was established, and the robot responded.
Magic in the Making
The ease with which the connection was established was astonishing, considering the challenges we had faced earlier. It was a testament to the power of knowledge, mentorship, and the value of never giving up. The mBot Neo had transitioned from a puzzling endeavor to an extension of our creativity and innovation.
Games of Innovation
With our newfound expertise, my fellow REU student took on the challenge of creating games using the mBot’s CyberPi. Scripting LED patterns, button interactions, and text displays, the mBot became a canvas for inventive games. The leap from theory to practical applications marked a significant milestone in our journey.
Reviving the PID System
My focus remained on harnessing the mBot’s movement capabilities. I took the block-based code I had initially created using Makeblock software and translated it into Python, utilizing Visual Studio Code (VSCode). The ultimate goal was to revive the PID system we had crafted earlier, this time utilizing the Bluetooth dongle for wireless communication.
The Triumph of Perseverance
By the end of Week 5, our progress was nothing short of remarkable. We had not only overcome obstacles but also transformed them into stepping stones for growth. The mBot Neo, once an enigma, was now a canvas for creativity and experimentation. Our journey had evolved into a testament of how persistence, mentorship, and resourcefulness can turn challenges into triumphs.
Stay tuned as we continue to push boundaries, explore the possibilities of robotics and programming, and embrace the ever-evolving landscape of scientific discovery and innovation.